Celebrating 20 years of teaching kids to swim

COVID Policy

The New Norm With Coronavirus

Our priority is to keep everyone safe and well during these challenging times and we have worked hard following Swim Ireland and STA guidelines for our return to swimming. We are working within NI Direct Government guidelines, our insurance provider and each individual school on their protocols. A lot of protocols!! We ask that you work with us through these changes and be patient. We are trying to minimise the impact on the kids and make their experience as enjoyable as possible. If we all remain sensible and responsible in our outlook we can work through this together. Jill Brennan, Christine Watson & Kerry Quinn are certified & appointed COVID 19 officers and all our teachers have completed the Sport Ireland Return to Sport course. All the teachers have been trained in the changes.


All persons attending Watertots MUST complete the Covid Health Check before you will be allowed to swim. This is for track and trace purposes. These forms are confidential and follow our GDPR policy which is shown below.
This form will only be completed once and the responsibility is on you to ensure that if ANYTHING changes that you inform us immediately via mobile on 07525 163777 or e-mail us on info@watertots.co.uk.


• Additional cleaning will take place in line with Covid suggestions.
• The teachers are responsible for cleaning their own equipment in the chlorine as this kills any germs.


• When teaching in the pool it is important that the teachers can demonstrate and help the children. To do this we will be unable to maintain a 1-2m distance at all times. Face to face contact will be kept to a minimum. Safety is our priority and it is difficult to teach properly without contact. Visors will be worn on both poolside and by teachers in the pool.
• In higher level classes we may teach from poolside, only if appropriate.
• Teacher changes will be kept to an minimum, unless they are sick. Teachers will be temperature checked every shift.
• Each teacher will have a station that the children will wait at before class. These will be cleaned before the next class arrives.


• We would prefer if only one adult would attend swimming with for each family to keep numbers to a minimum. If your child is capable without you, we would ask that they take themselves to their teacher station.
• We advise that children from different families do not travel together in one car.
• We would like two people to be nominated to bring a child to swimming to make track and trace easier and one of these people only attend with the child.

The entrance is through the main doors and exit is through the changing rooms.
We would respect that you socially distance as much as possible whilst in the pool area

In line with NI Executive we would ask you wear a mask, sanitise on entrance and exit and that there is no congregating before, during or after classes
and once your class is over you must leave the premises.


You must not arrive to your class until 10 minutes before you are due to start. Please stay in the car until then.
• We can no longer offer replacement classes if you cannot attend your regular class.
• Children must arrive POOL READY as changing rooms and showers are out of bounds before classes. Changing rooms, however, are available after classes. Please be prompt.

Please ensure your child uses the toilet before they come to swimming.
• Do not be late for the start, end of the session or hang around after the session.
• Do not let your child swim if you or they are feeling unwell or have any Covid symptoms in last 14 days.
• Face to face contact with Poolside Management must be kept to a minimum and any queries or feedback can be done via phone/text outside of lessons.


• Arrive pool ready in car park 10 minutes before class.
• Pool entry to teacher station will be 5 minutes before class starts. Kids will go to their specific teacher stations where they will be supervised at all times.
• The whistle will signal the end of class.
• Leave promptly.
• Classes will be 28 minutes long (58 for Cheetah Club and 43 for our intensive swim course).


Covid Health Check


In the interest of safety for everyone attending Watertots as a pupil, family member or teacher we are obliged to ask you the following questions.

If you answer yes to any of the following questions you MUST NOT come to swimming and follow the guidelines set out by the government (www.gov.uk).

Is anyone in your household currently isolating or has COVID 19 ?

Do you believe you have Covid 19 ?

Have you had any of the following symptoms of COVID-19 in the past 14 days ?

Have you a high temperature (over 37.5c) ?

Have you a loss of sense of smell or taste ?

New continuous cough ?

New unexplained shortness of breath ?

Are you or anyone in your household self isolating for any reason ?


Reserve your child's place now

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